منتـــــــدى سنبو الكبرى

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمـــات. كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هناwww.egysenbo.com/vb

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتـــــــدى سنبو الكبرى

أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمـــات. كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هناwww.egysenbo.com/vb

منتـــــــدى سنبو الكبرى

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

    الاسئله المهاريه


    الاسئله المهاريه Empty الاسئله المهاريه

    مُساهمة من طرف ?????? الأربعاء يوليو 14, 2010 9:49 am

    هي اهم الماكن والمتحدثين من مستر طارق فؤاد

    Speaker A, B Place

    1- Hotelفندق:
    Receptionistموظف استقبال
    Customerزبون touristسائح

    2- Hospital مستشفى (clinicعيادة)

    doctorطبيب nurseممرضة
    Oculistطبيب عيون dentistطبيب أسنان
    Patientمريض relativeقريب

    3- schoolمدرسة(classفصل )
    Teacherمدرس headmasterناظر
    Studentطالب employee موظف

    4- home بيت
    mother أم fatherأب
    grandfatherجد grandmotherجدة

    5- shopمحل shoes shopمحل أحذية
    Clothes shopمحل ملابس
    Salespersonبائع customerزبون

    6- tailor’sمحل ترزي dressmaker’s خياطة
    tailorترزى dressmakerخياطة
    Clientعميل customerزبون

    7- taxiسيارة أجرة
    Taxi driver سائق تاكسي passengerراكب

    8- travel agent’sمكتب سفريات
    travel agentموظف سفريات
    clientزبون travellerمسافر

    A policemanشرطي driverسائق

    10- restaurantمطعم cafeمقهى
    customerزبون waiterجرسون

    11-TV studio
    interviewerمذيع intervieweeضيف الحوار
    scientist عالم playerلاعب

    12- airportمطار
    traveller مسافر touristسائح
    customs officerضابط جمارك

    13- plane طائرة
    passengerراكب hostessمضيفة
    Pilot طيار copilot مساعد طيار

    14- post officeمكتب بريد
    senderراسل postmanرجل بريد
    Clerk كاتب

    15- bank
    bankerموظف في بنك accountantمحاسب
    Clientعميل businessmanرجل أعمال

    16- library مكتبة للقراءة
    librarian أمين مكتبة readerقارئ
    borrower مستعير studentطالب

    17- companyشركة (officeمكتب)
    secretary سكرتير visitor زائر
    mangerمدير applicantمتقدم لوظيفة

    18- clock shopمحل ساعات
    clockmaker ساعاتي customerزبون

    19- cinemaسينما theatre مسرح
    viewer مشاهد usherمرشد مقاعد

    mechanicميكانيكي customerزبون

    21- railway station محطة قطار bus station
    metro stationمحطة مترو
    booking clerkموظف حجز التذاكر
    conductorكمساري travellerمسافر

    22- police station
    officerضابط policemanشرطي
    Suspectedمتهم criminal مجرم

    23- museumمتحف templeمعبد
    tourist سائح guide مرشد سياحي

    24- busأوتوبيس
    Driverسائق conductorكمساري
    Passenger راكب

    25- in front station أمام المحطة
    porter شيال travellerمسافر

    26- stationary shopمكتبة أدوات مكتبية
    salesperson بائع buyerمشتري
    customerزبون studentطالب

    27- groceryمحل بقالة
    grocerبقال customerزبون

    28- shoe shopمجل أحذية
    shoemaker اسكافي customerزبون

    29-TV mending shop محل إصلاح تلفزيونات
    technician فني customerزبون

    30- courtمحكمة
    Judgeقاضي lawyerمحامي
    Accused متهم

    31- pharmacy صيدلية
    chemist صيدلي customerزبون

    32- barber’s shopمحل حلاقة
    barberحلاق clientزبون

    33- lab معمل
    Teacherمدرس studentطالب

    34- clubنادي
    Playerلاعب coach مدرب

    الاسئله المهاريه Empty مرفقات+الخطابات +المواضيع

    مُساهمة من طرف ???? الأربعاء يوليو 14, 2010 9:54 am

      مذكرة بأهم الخطابات

      1- Write a letter in reply to the following :-
      Dear Hassan
      I haven’t heard from you for a long time , I hope you are keeping well , I’m going to spend a week with my uncle who has reclaimed five feddans in the desert and has achieved great success , I invite you to come with me there . a part of his farm is allotted to breeding animals and I think you enjoy caring for them . Please , write to me soon telling me your opinion .

      With my best wishes

      Ahmed .
      (You live at 50 Gomhoria street , Cairo )
      الإجابة :-
      في الخطاب السابق :- عناصر الرد هي :- 1- الإشادة بما فعله عم هذا الصديق من استصلاح للصحراء 2- تحديد قبول أو رفض الدعوة
      50 Gomhoria st,
      20th May 2006 .
      Dear Ahmed
      I have just received your letter and I write you this to tell you that I’m very happy to hear this good news , it is great to reclaim the desert and grow more crops there , I think that your uncle thinks well , as for your invitation , I will visit you next Sunday at 8 pm . wait for me

      Good bye

      Hassan .

      2- Write a letter in reply to the following :-

      Dear Samir
      Would you like to come to a party next Thursday ? The party is for my brother Kamal who has just come back from Los Angles . He has brought cassettes of the latest songs and music there . I know you are greatly interested in western music so , I think you will enjoy listening to them . the party will start at six o’clock


      ( You live at 15 Orabi st , Cairo )
      الاجابة :- فى الخطاب السابق عناصر الرد هى :-
      1- التهنئة على رجوع الأخ من لوس انجلوس
      2- تحديد قبول أو رفض الدعوة .
      15 Orabi st ,
      Cairo .
      10th June 2006
      Dear Ibrahim
      I have just received your letter and I write you this to tell you that I’m very happy because your brother has just come back from Los Angles . as for your invitation , I will come next Thursday at 6 o’clock to attend the party and to listen to the music .
      Wait for me .
      Good bye

      3- Write a letter in reply to the following :-

      Dear Osama

      I intend to visit you glorious country this summer . I have read much about the monumental places in Egypt . about the immortal Nile and about Luxor and Aswan in particular .I’m quite sure that you will accompany me to these places . I’d like to know much about your great country .
      ( you live at 28 Alakad st Cairo )
      الاجابة :- فى الخطاب السابق عناصر الرد هى :-
      1- التعبير عن الفرحة لزيارة الصديق لمصر
      2- وصف بعض الأماكن التاريخية او المعالم الشهيرة التى يمكن زيارتها بمصر .
      28 Alakkad at ,
      Cairo .
      Egypt .
      14th June 2006
      Dear David
      I have just received your letter and I write you this to tell you that I’m very happy because you will visit me here in Egypt , I want to tell you that we can enjoy our time here greatly as Egypt is famous for its historic places , we can visit Luxor and Aswan and then we can visit the pyramids at Giza they are very great and fantastic built by our great ancient Egyptians , the weather here in Egypt is fine and the people are friendly and lovely .
      I wait for you
      Good bye

      4-You want to do post graduate studiesدراسات عليا in medicine in London . Write a letter to your pen friend David inquiring about مستفسرا عن the possibility of doing your post graduate studies there and if he is ready to search for a suitable accommodation for you وسائل الراحة (مثل الاقامة ) your name is Hossam and you live at 5 Nawal street , Dokki , Giza .

      الاجابة :- لاحظ أن الخطاب قائم فى الأساس على تحويل الضمائر و حذف الـ ing من الأفعال كما سبق شرحه

      5 Nawal st,
      Giza ,
      14th June 2006

      Dear David
      From the deepest bottom of my heart , I write you this letter to inquire about the possibility of doing my post graduate studies in London , are you ready to search for a suitable accommodation for me ? Please , tell me any information about that .
      I wait for your answer
      Good bye
      Hossam .

      5- Fawzia Diab writes a letter to the Cairo Chamber of commerce الغرفة التجارية فى القاهرة explaining her business as she has heard that a trade delegation وفد تجارى from South Africa is visiting Egypt , she asks for details of any south African companies that might be interested in her work

      ( The address is :- 20 Algomhoria st , Cairo )
      لاحظ أن الخطاب السابق رسمي

      20 Algohoria st .
      Cairo .
      Dear sir ,
      It gives me a great honour to write you this letter to tell you that I’m a director of a clothes company we have the latest fashion here and I have heard that a trade delegation from South Africa is visiting Egypt and I ask if I could meet them and explain my business to them to have the chance of doing business with them .
      I wait for an answer
      Good bye
      Fawzia Diab

      6- Write a letter to your friend Tom with whom you spent a week in London . Thank him for his hospitality حسن الضيافة and kindness . invite him to visit Egypt next holiday . Your name is Bassim and you live at 110 Ramsis street Cairo .
      الاجابة :-

      110 Ramsis st,
      Cairo ,
      Egypt .
      14th June 2006
      Dear Tom
      From the deepest bottom of my heart I write you this letter to tell you that I thank you very much for your great hospitality and kindness with me during the week I spent with you in London . and I invite you to visit me here in Egypt in order to see some of the most wonderful places . the weather here is fine .
      I wait for you
      Good bye

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة أبريل 19, 2024 11:04 am